Monday, 30 September 2013

Exploration on Turtle Soup by Marilyn Chin

On the reference to Turtle Soup by Marilyn Chin 

1) Notice the author's choice of the word "cauldron" in line 4. What images or connections does this word evoke? Why might the author have chosen "cauldron" rather than "pot"
--> The word cauldron itself was stereotyped as a bad image for the witches. However, in this text the cauldron was signify as the unstable emotional current from the speaker's mother who has a firm and strong stand in the Chinese culture.

2) Chin refers to "the Wei","the Yellow", and "the Yangze". Why does she reference these rivers in China? Why not include the Nile, the Amazon, or the Mississippi?
--> That is because the turtle plays a very significant role in the Chinese community. The turtle was portrayed as "the symbol of long life". The Chinese community does have a concept that to those who consume turtle soup will remain healthy, and live to hundred years. It's a luxury delicacy in the land of China as well.

3) What is the tone of this poem?
--> The persona, due to his growing environment and surrounding feels ridiculed by the mother's action of boiling Turtle Soup. That caused a massive misunderstanding to both parties that ends up with an argument. From the argument they had, we can feel an excessive anger that has existed in the text.

* The answers given by the Blogger are the result from the discussion she had with her group.* 

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